Færsluflokkur: Bloggar


Stay alert throughout the action
Awareness is key to the success of any
action. Often, the atmosphere and the conditions
that determine it can change very
quickly. It is important to keep up with
what is going on around you, and to have
established in advance how you will react
to a given scenario. For example, is the
arrival of one police car a big deal? How
about ten? Is it common for police to tail
marchers in this city? While you can never
be certain of exactly what will happen, going
over possible scenarios in advance and
having an idea of how your group wants
to deal with them will give everyone a more
solid idea of how to react—and how not to
overreact—as the situation develops.
When informing others of a development,
announce the raw information, not the conclusions
you may have drawn from it (“The police
are putting on gas masks,” not “They’re going
to gas us!”), so others can draw their own conclusions.
Resist the urge to panic, and the tendency
to get carried away as well.


Study the site of the action and
keep up with changes
Before the action, study the area carefully.
Chart safe routes in and out; look for
hiding places, obstacles, potential targets,
and surveillance cameras (including those
in ATMs and stoplights). Note how long it
takes to travel key distances, and be aware
of the visibility from and of key locations.
How close are the authorities, how long will
it take them to arrive? Can their approach
be delayed? Who else is in the area?
While scouting, be careful not to call
attention to yourself or leave an obvious
record of your passing. Be sure to do at
least some of your scouting at the same
time of day as the planned action, and if
possible do a quick check immediately before
it to make sure nothing has changed.
If your action calls for daunting tasks,
such as climbing a steep rooftop, it may
be good to make an actual practice run at
some point.
Information can also be gathered from
photos, maps, and brochures; aerial maps
may be available on the internet. In some
cases you can obtain information from a
tourist center, or call and ask questions on
a pretext (as a student doing a report, for example),
or even receive a guided tour. Once
you’ve collected a lot of information, it can
be helpful to consolidate the important parts
into a map suited to your needs. Be careful
to dispose of all your paperwork securely.

Og hvað........

Direct action is violent.
To say that it is violent to destroy the machinery of a slaughterhouse or to break
windows belonging to a political party that promotes war is to prioritize property over
human and animal life. This objection subtly validates violence against living creatures
by focusing all attention on property rights and away from more fundamental issues.
Direct action may obstruct the activities or destroy the property of a corporation or
institution—but if the latter is itself involved in violent activity, then such an act is not
violence but rather the prevention of violence.
Over the past three decades of protests, civil disobedience, and sabotage, not a single
person in the United States has been killed or seriously injured. Thousands, however,
have been beaten, tear-gassed, and imprisoned. One need only reflect upon a news
report such as “Violence erupted when protesters began throwing tear gas canisters
back at police” to discern who holds the monopoly on violence.

Sumir horfa á Klám....

Ég horfi á þetta næstum með sömu niðurstöðu.....



Hverjum er ekki andskotans sama um kaffi....

Kaffi borgað af okkur.

Drullist þá til að setja mat og KAFFI í aðstoð þeirra sem eiga ekkert í stað þess að reyna að "gerviróa" fólk sem er andstætt ástandi landsins.


mbl.is Hengilásar og forsetakaffi
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Þið hagið ykkur eins og þeir sem verið að berjast á móti.

Og hvað......... Á bara að sukka með peninga sem þið eigið ekki og svo þegar þið farið i vaskinn hafið þið þá hugrekki til að væla yfir ástandinu.

Andskotinn hafi það fólk.....

Annaðhvort gerið eitthvað i málinu eða ekki.....

Ekki liggja eyða og sukka eins og landráðsmenn hérlendis heldur haldið jól án gjafa.....

Jól með kærleik og ekki með visa eða öðrum skuldum.....

Elskum okkur og berjumst við þá............

mbl.is Jólin greidd út í hönd
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Mynd sem á vel við. Grísinn tekinn.

l_0c09c5aa7a84dbdf6722384bfe65ef9b.jpgSiðspilling ríður feitum Grís.

Fleiri sem ég dáist að.

Kannski það ætti að fara að bjóða uppá almennilega "art" kennslu fyrir "litaverkamenn" borgarinnar og styðja við og auka hróður okkar sem litríkar og skapandi eyju.

Þessi gæji er alger snillingur.


Steve Nunez Airbrushes a Vampire Girl on T-Rex

"Skemmdarverk" sem ég styð.

Við mundum brosa meira með svona liti í borginni okkar.



Björn Ingi syngur meðan Borgin brennur

Hvað skeður nú...


Er þetta staðreynd??

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